
Helping your HSC student

You’ve supported them through 13 years of schooling, the end is only a few weeks away and you are feeling as stressed as your HSC student.

Take a breath.

This may seem like a pinnacle moment but needs to be handled calmly so that no additional pressure is placed on your already overwhelmed HSC student.

As their parent how can you best support them?

Following are some hints from a parent (me) who has already completed the journey:

  • Provide a space that is neat, tidy and away from distractions
  • Ensure they take some time out to do something fun or connect with friends
  • Provide plenty of water and healthy snacks
  • Eat meals with them to check in with how they are feeling
  • If they are stressed suggest a break and go for a walk
  • Ensure they go to bed at a reasonable time – sleep is important to retain information
  • Stay positive, stay positive, stay positive!

And remember HSC is built up to be really important but there are many ways to get to where one wants to be in life…..it is just one avenue. It is so much more important that your HSC child is happy and healthy and feeling the least amount of stress as possible.

Good luck to all the HSC students and their parents over the next few weeks